: : : This is the story of these butterflies: they were made during the summer 1945 in Berlin piece after piece by the clever and patient hands of men and women, who had no paints and brushes to work with and no canvas or paper to work on, but were ready to do most everything. Thus the light blue colour of this butterfly is made from the tiles of a fine delicatessen store on "Potsdamer Platz" and the red brown from the bricks of an old building of "Wilhelmstrasse".
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: : : These butterflies are no precious works of art. But those who made them believe that they are right to say: nothing is so ugly that it would be impossible to make something good of it. And they sincerely hope that everyone of these butterflies coming from the ruins of Berlin into the world will have a friendly reception wherever it may go to. For it wants to tell that there are many Germans who will do their best to make good for the terrible and shameful events of the past.
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