This fish has inscribed on one wing the full genealogy !, Made by LANCY CHRISTIAN Great Great Grandson from Fletcher Christian of H.M.S. Bounty.
Himself (1886-1960) described as having lived a quiet, consistent Christian life, and he was a man loved and respected by all. We tenderly laid him to rest in the Pitcairn cemetery at the edge of the tall cliffs to await the call of the Life-give. The Son of Alphonso Driver Christian; and Grandson of Thursday October Christian II, His Great Grandfather was Thursday October Christian, illustrated. who was described as having an athletic figure, and was quaintly attired in a vest without sleeves and trousers to the knee. He wore a hat jauntily decked with black cock's features. He had a dark complexion, with jut black hair flowing down his shoulders, by Captain Pipon. His father Fletcher Christian led the famous munity on the Bounty in 1790, although There is no portrait or drawing extant of Fletcher Christian that was drawn from life. Bligh described him as "5 ft. 9 in. high [175 cm]. blackish or very dark complexion. Hair - Blackish or very dark brown. Make - Strong. A star tattooed on his left breast, and tattooed on the backside. His knees stand a little out and he may be called a little bow legged. He is subject to violent perspiration, particularly in his hand, so that he soils anything he handles.
Length 43.5 cm |
