Hiscock and Shepherd Antiques - Early Needlework Samplers, Pottery and Folk Art
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I have always been interested and collected local samplers from "Kent" and as early band samplers are particularly difficult to pin down. So I was delighted to find that Susanna Vile was from Dover. The first recorded Vile's came to England with William The Conqueror in 1066, although Susanna's decedents settled in Dover much later in the 17th Century. Interestingly her father (1678-1732) appears to have died in Kentucky. Named after her mother she was born 10.8.1707 in Dover the oldest of eight children. She married Thomas Willis aged 23 Feb.1731 and died aged 31 22.4.1739.
She worked her sampler in the traditional manner with bands of pattern and alphabets in different styles.
Dated 1718 the year coincides with the birth of her youngest brother Thomas so at the age of 11 she was probably expected to help look after her siblings.
21 x 8 1/4 inches. unfinished towards the bottom.


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